Horticulture Services

Horticulture Services

At Ontrack Facility Management Pvt. Ltd., we take pride in offering comprehensive facility management solutions, and our commitment extends to the outdoor areas of your facility. Our gardening services are designed to transform your open spaces with lush greenery, carefully curated landscapes, and unique thematic projects.

Our Gardening Services:-

1.Breathe Life into Your Spaces: We specialize in enhancing open spaces by introducing vibrant greenery, stately trees, and captivating landscapes. Our expert team excels in creating theme-based garden projects that infuse a distinct and captivating aura into your outdoor areas.

2.Informed Decision-Making: Before commencing any gardening or landscaping project, our highly experienced back-office staff conducts a thorough survey. This diligence is essential to understand the project’s scope, enabling us to plan and execute activities effectively.

3.Skillful Garden Equipment Handling: Our gardening team receives regular training in the proper use of garden and landscaping equipment. This ongoing education ensures that our staff is well-prepared to deliver high-quality services, maintaining the health and beauty of your outdoor spaces.

Our Pest Control Services:-

1.Vigilant Pest Inspection: Keeping your facility pest-free is a top priority. Our team is diligent in regularly inspecting your premises for signs of pests such as droppings, nests, or any damage to buildings or structures. Early detection is crucial in preventing pest-related issues from escalating.

2.Thorough Record-Keeping: We maintain meticulous records of all pest control activities. This includes comprehensive documentation of inspections, treatments, and other pest control measures. Our detailed records ensure a transparent and accountable approach to pest management.

By entrusting your gardening and pest control needs to Ontrack Facility Management Pvt. Ltd., you’re investing in a partner dedicated to enhancing the aesthetics and functionality of your outdoor spaces. We understand that well-maintained gardens and effective pest control contribute to a positive environment for your employees and visitors.

With our skilled team, commitment to thorough planning, and a vigilant approach to pest control, we’re here to ensure that your facility’s outdoor spaces remain inviting, vibrant, and free from unwelcome intruders. Choose OnTrack for excellence in facility management, and let us transform your surroundings into spaces of beauty and tranquility.



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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)

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